EPA States that More O&G Greenhouse Gas Rules are Coming
The US Environmental Protection Agency is proposing new greenhouse gas regulations for our industry that will target source aggregation. They plan on having a deal put together by 2016 and …
The US Environmental Protection Agency is proposing new greenhouse gas regulations for our industry that will target source aggregation. They plan on having a deal put together by 2016 and …
OTA’s research and development team are constantly engineering, inventing and improving our product lines to better assist our customers in all of their growing demands. We understand that technology is …
Problems arise all the time in the field when operators have unique situations, and OTA is always here to help. One recent problem came from a client that has a …
Even with current oil prices, Southern Oklahoma is showing no signs of slowing down. With budgets being cut and production scaling back across the county, Southern and Central Oklahoma is …
An environmental group is planning a rally at the Oklahoma state capital to ask for a moratorium on disposal wells in the state. The Coalition to Stop Induced Seismicity is …
A major concern among oil producers today is maintaining their crude oil Reid vapor pressure (RVP) at transportable safe levels. 10 psia RVP or less is a common threshold that …
In 2014, for the first time in history the US oil production growth exceeded global oil demand growth. Had oil prices remained at ~$100/bbl and US operators continued on their …
On January 14, 2015, the Obama administration roughly outlined what its next plan is for curbing global warming. This announcement came with no surprises since the release of Quad O …
OTA Compression is one to join many associations and groups to be a part of what is going on in different regions and build relationships with the oil and gas …
Lessons learned more than a century ago from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake are helping a team of researchers at Oklahoma State University make oil and natural gas drilling in …