Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA)

OTA Compression is one to join many associations and groups to be a part of what is going on in different regions and build relationships with the oil and gas community. One group to recognize in particular is the Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA).
PBPA is the largest regional oil and gas association in the U.S. and is comprised of the hard-working men and women who fuel the Permian Basin economy through the production of crude oil and natural gas. The PBPA membership consists of some of the largest operators, as well as the smallest. It also consists geologists, attorneys, accountants, doctors, editors, bankers and retailers. The membership is so diverse because in one way or another, everyone in the Permian Basin is involved in the petroleum business!
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PBPA is about support: The Association provides a wide variety of membership services to producers, service companies, their employees, affiliates and families. Membership services include legislative relations on the local, state and federal levels, monthly meetings, a monthly magazine, and educational seminars on regulatory, legislative and technical issues.
The Permian Basin, is comprised of more than 50 counties in Texas and New Mexico. From a geologic standpoint, the Permian Basin — the largest inland oil and gas reservoir in the Lower 48 states — has been a secure source of energy for the United States for more than 80 years. The Permian Basin is the No.1 crude oil producing region in the No.1 oil producing state in the nation.
Each year, the PBPA puts on a Top Hand Award Banquet honoring someone in the industry. This year’s award recipients being recognized are Mr. Howard W. Parker & Mr. Joe M. Parsley of Parker and Parsley. This event will be held January 22, 2015. For more information and reservations, contact the PBPA office at