If you’re using OTA Compression’s KS40, you know the answers to all those questions because OTA supplies you with detailed monthly reports. Reports include vital information that let the operator make educated decisions on unit maintenance, placement, ROI, etc. based on unit performance (e.g. criteria found in the report). This same report meets monitoring and documentation requirements of the state department of environment quality of the EPA. Reports detail the unit’s total operational availability, motor runtime, fault time, standby hours and much more.
OTA engineered the KS40 to operate at top efficiency. Instead of constantly cycling on and off as gas pressures fluctuate, small pressure drops initiate the bypass mode, which keeps the gas recirculating until the pressure returns to the level that requires vapor capture.
Its horizontally opposed heads allow the compressor to evacuate liquids during operation and standby modes. This is a closed loop compressor system, which prevents escape of vapors to the atmosphere during run or standby modes. The closed loop design allows for the system to be positively pressurized, thus eliminating any chance of oxygen being introduced into the system. All excess internal pressure is released back into the suction manifold to be sold.
The KS40 compressor is easily maintained – any repairs can be handled in the field, eliminating hours of downtime and allowing the operator to remain well within air quality requirements.
The KS40 compressor is utilized in over 90 percent of OTA’s VRU applications, is extremely user friendly and most replacement parts are easily found at auto part stores.

Putting an OTA VRU in your AFE for a new location streamlines the process and assures Quad O compliance from the start. As your one-stop VRU shop, OTA personnel can help you evaluate your needs by testing your location for VOC emissions, consult with you on the style, type, sizing and installation of controls required to keep you in compliance.
Whether you choose the rental or purchase option, OTA’s professional field technicians are completely equipped to provide monthly maintenance and 24/7 availability. OTA provides complimentary field training to your personnel on their equipment and they have the capacity to retrofit and train on most control equipment being offered today! By choosing OTA as your partner in vapor recovery, you can put all of your VCU, VRU and wellhead compression under one roof for optimal effectiveness, efficiency and convenience.
OTA manufactures equipment in Granbury, Texas and although an appointment is recommended, they welcome operators to tour their facility. OTA has service personnel in West Texas, South Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Utah, Southeast New Mexico and in the Barnett Shale – so a technician is always within reach.
Partner today with OTA on all of your vapor recovery and control needs and find out what working with the BEST is all about!
OTA Compression is your one-stop shop for Quad-O emission testing, smart control devices, quality process equipment, natural gas or electric wellhead compression/vapor recovery and field services. Call OTA at 972-831-1300 to learn more. See them on the web at www.otacompression.com to find a sales rep in your area.