OTA specializes in the service and supply of many production sites by providing vapor recovery units, vapor recovery towers, combustors, well head compression and testing to make sure you are capturing your maximum revenue and remain in compliance with EPA, State, and Local air quality regulations. While providing all of these tools to help your company become more profitable we cannot help but to become industry experts. Come listen to our company leaders speak at two upcoming conferences and have the opportunity to ask first-hand how we can help you design and implement the most cost effective method to meet quad O at your facility. Below are the links, details and topic information about the conferences we will be presenting to in the next couple of months.
The “SPE Liquids-rich Basin Conference: New Technologies for Old Plays” is September 24-25, 2014 in Fort Worth, Texas (SPE2014) It will be held at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel and will highlight innovative technologies, techniques, practices,and the development of tactics driving the exploitation of liquids-rich formations. This conference will focus on current operations’ practices and the development of tactics that are driving today’s exploitation of these liquids-rich reservoirs. Speakers will offer case histories on the revolution that has turned source-rock into reservoirs and created new paradigms for “tight oil” development. OTA’s lead environmental specialist Gabriel Kent will be presenting on Thursday on a panel about tactics and equipment from 1:15-2:45 pm. He will speak about EPA’s Performance standards and storage vessel equipment. He will explain in more detail the ever changing rules and regulations and how to remain in compliance.
The Facilities-Design Onshore 2014 Conference is September 30-October 1st in the Woodlands, Texas. (Facilities-Design-Onshore). It will be held at the Marriot Hotel and is considered the national learning hub for facility engineers in the USA. This two day summit has been designed with the ultimate goal: share case studies and innovations to improve lead time, run time, reliability and economics of key well site facilities. There will be facility VPs, managers and engineers from key operators across the Permian, Eagle Ford, Bakken and Marcellus. OTA’s President Grant Swartzwelder will be speaking about our Vapor Recovery Units. He will be identifying methods for designing and implementing vapor recovery systems to cost effectively meet quad O requirements. He will explain VRU technology, natural gas economics and identifying leak points in the system.
OTA is honored to have the opportunity to speak at these events and hopes to educate the audience with the knowledge that we bring to any facility. We pride ourselves with continuously gaining more knowledge and solutions to any problem. Please email htxsales@otacompression.com or enviro@otacompression.com if you have any questions.