The Ergonomic KS40 Compressor

The KS40 compressor was designed to fully combat all the negative aspects of its reciprocating heritage, and to outperform competing compressor types currently on the market. The horizontally opposed four-cylinder compressor is designed for low initial cost, application flexibility and simple field maintenance.
This compressor was designed with Vapor Recovery in mind. The valve configuration in the horizontally opposed heads allow the KS40 to evacuate liquids from the gas stream without any negative effects to the compression process, or the compressor frame itself. These liquids (condensate), which are rich in heavy hydrocarbons ($$$) are then boosted back into the storage vessels in which they came, to be offloaded with the crude oil.
The KS40’s positively pressurized case eliminates the introduction of oxygen into the system and eliminates the need for rod packings. This excludes the KS40 compressor from the NSPS Quad O requirement of changing out the rod packings every 26,000 hours, or 36 months. Not to mention, there is not a need to account for fugitive emissions in an annual emissions table for permitting purposes because there are none. This means less paperwork for internal or costly third party air permit writers. All vapors are captured and rerouted into the sales line, preserving air quality and responsibly conserving non-renewable natural resources.
Aug_Week I - Ergonomical KS40 (Gabe)
Designed in the interest of the end-user, the compressor utilizes a Volkswagen crankcase and rotating assembly. The compressor crankcase, as well as spare parts for the machine, are in mass production and can be purchased directly from OTA, or over the counter at your local automotive store. In other words,there should be no excuses for tracking down replacement parts because they are readily available.
Do not hesitate to contact us about your vapor recovery needs @ (972) 831 – 1300.