There are many ways to determine a facility’s (e.g. storage vessel, separator) flash emission rate but only a few do it with scientific precision. Simulation software is a great means to predict flash emission rates from various facilities found in the process stream and has proven to be very accurate, but it is still not the industry standard of comparison: Direct Measurements. Direct Measurements or DM, as OTA calls it, is widely accepted as the standard for determining flash emission rates. This method may be highly accepted by the industry and air quality regulators alike, however, it is not always the best suited for the job. This is why OTA offers a line of vapor testing methods with a team of seasoned environmental testing experts to help one identify the best approach to capture the best representation of a facility’s emissions.
It is not only important to accurately and precisely measure emission rates for properly sizing process equipment and control devices, but necessary for compliance with air quality regulations. While it is good practice to over compensate for emission rates for air permitting purposes, it is not economical to oversize equipment.
OTA offers three (3) different methods for determining emission rates: Direct Measurements, Simulation, and Gas-To-Water Ratio (GWR). Each method is approved by air quality governing bodies (EPA, State DEQs, and Local governments) and highly accepted by the industry. Each testing method has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation at hand. All methods yield reputable results that can be utilized for air permitting purposes (e.g. emission tables, authorizations, and 40CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO applicability). Refer to the brochure (below) for more information on how each method is conducted and follow the link to TCEQ’s guidance document that compares the three methods.