Recently, the Midland Reporter-Telegram contacted us to speak on behalf of the oil and gas industry in regards to the May 12 of 2016 release of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOOa New Source Performance Standards (NSPS), also known as the leak detection and green completion rules. OTA’s main focus is geared towards the LDAR requirements. We have two (2) dedicated environmentalists with a background in air permitting and compliance field work that are heading up OTA’s new service line, “Quad Oa LDAR.” They are well rehearsed in the rules and the reporting requirements (i.e. Cedri). OTA’s LDAR staff know the rules inside-and-out, so you won’t be scratching your head as to why your LDAR contractors reported a Quad O affected storage vessel leak, a leak per Quad Oa. The LDAR report accompanied with the survey covers all of the reporting and recordkeeping requirements, making it easy for you to report to EPA and the state, or we can do all of the reporting for you.
Take a moment to read the October 2, 2016, article of the Midland Reporter-Telegram’s Oil Report (see below):2-mrt-article-ldar-page-10-11-2016