Each unit needs a controller, but there are several options available with different features. All of our controllers will run the unit to do its basic functions, but what separates them are the various “bells and whistles” for the customer to decide.
OTA offers three options of control panels (DK Standard, DK Premier and Murphy Centurion) and it all depends on how the unit will run, what it needs to do, and customer preference. We must also look at the electricity system (single-phase, 2-phase, 3-phase) that is available and how much volume (MSCFD) the units will be moving.

The Murphy Centurion touch screen control panel is more of the “Cadillac” version and is designed to monitor, control, protect, and optimize small to medium sized gas compressors. The controller allows for controlled shut down and no-flow monitoring as well as auto start up and engine control capabilities. VOCs are to be captured even at peak intervals, according to environmental regulations. A simple “on/off” controller may not do the trick, which is why we offer two other models that will effectively help capture all emissions and keep the end user in compliance.
Take a look at the chart below to see what each controller is capable of doing. The Murphy leads the industry in design, functionality, and ease of use. As you can tell, the DK Standard is going to be the most basic that is on/off only and the DK Premier and Murphy Centurion are more advanced.

As always, contact an OTA representative to get more information on the control panels and let us help you decide what best fits your needs!